Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rhythmic Activities

Topic: Rhythmic Activities

Devlopmental Level: Upper Elementary (grades 4-6)

40 min class periods

I chose to include Tinkling, The Mannequin activity and Line Dances in my 5 day lesson plan because there are many benfits of dance activities. They include appreciation and enjoyment of dance as an art medium from both a spectator and performance standpoint; using the body as an expressive tool; combining locomotor movement patterns in time with music in repeatable patterns; interpret and move to various rhythms, awareness of various cultures and historical periods of dance, recognize the importance of demonstrating appropriate social etiquette while dancing, an excellent form of exercise and can become a lifelong, enjoyable activity.

5 Day Outline:

Day 1: Tinkling

10 min- Warm up (aerobic)

5 min- Set the tone

22min- Group Activity/Instruction (Striking, Straddle Jump, Mashed Potatoes and The Jogging Step)

3min- Closure

Day 2: Tinkling

10min- Warm-up (aerobic)

2min- Set the tone

25min- Group Activity/Instruction (Crossed 4 bands: Striking, Straddle Jump stationary and Mashed Potatoes in a circle, the Cricle Formation: Mashed Poataoes in a circle)

3min- Closure

Day 3&4: The Mannequin

10min- Warm-up (aerobic) 10min- Warm-up activity (aerobic)

5min- Setting the tone 2min- Pre-performance

20min- Group Activity (Preparation) 20min- Group Performances

5min- Closure 3min- Closure

Day 5: Line Dancing-Ghost Busters

10min- Warm-up (aerobic)

5min- Set the tone

15min- Activity/Instruction

5min- Student Calling

5min- Closure

Lesson Plan for each day:

DAY 1: Tinkling

Lesson objectives: (National Standard-N.S./Dance Standard D.S.)

N.S. 1.1 Demonstrates competency in movement patterns needed to perform tinkling routines.

N.S. 1.2 Demonstrates competency in movement patterns needed to strike the tinkling ropes/poles.

N.S. 5.1 Display appropriate behavior and cooperation when working in a group.

N.S. 6.1 Students will value the benefits of physical activity and enjoy being active.

D.S. 1.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements and skills in performing the tinkling routines the straddle jump, mashed potatoes, and the jogging step.

D.S. 2.1 Understand choreographic principles when learning tinkling routines.

D.S. 5.1 Understand the dance tinkling and where it comes from (Philippines).

Setting the tone: (my talking points are highlighted in red)

I will ask the students does anybody know what Tinkling is?

- A rhythmic game that cam from the Philippine Islands.

Tinkling depicts the movements of a long-legged, long-necked tinkling bird. Today we are going to learn how to strike the poles and stay on beat. We will also be learning 3 different tinkling dance routines today.

Group Activity/Instruction of each dance:

1. Begin by teaching the striking pattern (in,in,out,out) and group student off (4-6 in each group) and have them practice striking with no jumpers.

2. Call the students over and show them how to perform the Straddle Jump, and then have them go back in their groups and practice it, switching strikers and jumpers.

3. Call the students over and show them how to perform the Mashed Potatoes jump, then have them go back in their groups and practice it, switching off strikers and jumpers.

4. Call the students over and show them how to perform The Jogging Step, and then have them go back in their groups and practice it, switching strikers and jumpers.

5. After the students feel comfortable with a jump routine, have them do it with a partner.

During the instruction of each dance routine i will be calling the steps and helping keep the strikers on beat with a tamberine.

I chose to include a Tinkling lesson in my Rhythmic Activities Unit because the dances spike the interest of students and it has many benefits to students. I already mentioned many benefits of dance as a whole but Tinkling specifically teaches students to work together, creates a value for physical activity and teaches them movement patterns (long term memory) and how to stay on beat.

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