Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 5: Rhythmic Activities

Day 5: Line Dancing- Ghost Busters

Learning Objectives:
N.S. 1.1 Demonstrate competency in the movement patterns needed to perform the line dance Ghost Busters.
N.S. 5.1 Demonstrate independence and good use of time while participating in physical activity.
N.S. 5.2 Demonstrate respect for all students, regardless of individual differences in skills and abilities.
D.S. 1.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements and skills in performing the line dance Ghost Busters.

Setting the tone: Explain to students what a line dance is, what scattered position is and why they are going to learn the dance in scattered formation. Tell them you are going to teach them the line dance Ghost Busters today and they are going to learn it eight counts at a time.

Group Activity/Instruction:
1. Have the students get in scattered formation on the floor and teach the students the 1st eight counts, and then have them do the steps with you.
2. Teach the students the next eight counts, have them do the steps with you and then do all 16 steps with the students until they are comfortable.
3. Teach the students the last eight counts of the dance, have them do the steps with you and then go through the entire dance.
4. Put the dance with music.
5. After the students are comfortable with the dance, take volunteers to be callers during the dance and have them call for 48 counts.

The steps i will call for the students/they will learn to call:
  • 4 steps forward. Begin on Rt. foot (R,L,R,L clap on ct. 4)
  • 4 steps backward. Begin on Rt. foot (R,L,R,L clap on ct 4)
  • 4 steps to the right side (Rt. together Lt., Rt. touch Lt.)
  • 4 steps to the right side (Lt. together Rt., Lt, touch Rt.)
  • Kick Rt., Kick Lt., Kick Rt., Kick Lt. (4 kicks total)
  • With Rt. foot, tap 2x in front, 2x in back, 1 front, 1 back, and one to the side as you turn 1/4 turn to Lt. (Rt. foot is now ready to move forward and have them call for 48 counts). Repeat!!


Ask students what line dance they just performed. Ask if they liked the dance. Remind them that starting teaching in scattered formation is better.

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